Youth Healing Seminar

Personal identity is shaped through family, culture, life experiences and relationships.

Throughout life, the individual is confronted with the fundamental questions of being: “Who am I? What is my purpose? What does my life mean?”

These questions relate to one’s self worth, identity, purpose and destiny. Many endure a life characterized by a cycle of despair and defeat, along with a haunting sense of not being able to attain personal fulfilment. These seminars will look closely at what shapes personal identity along with what sabotages the ability to experience a sense of personal purpose and destiny. It will provide a foundational platform to help the individual understand the crisis of identity they are experiencing and bring about transformational change as a result.

*Some topics covered: Life’s Hurts, Unresolved Issues, Shock and Trauma, Emotional Damage and its Consequences, Dealing with Trauma and Healing from Trauma, Consequences of Violence and Aggression, Consequences of Unhealthy Parenting, Grieving Process, The Devastating Effects of Abuse - physically, emotionally, mentally, sexually and spiritually.

Aaqitauvik Healing Centre, 2018